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What we do


At Nomsa, we are dedicated to the well-being of the many abandoned and abused animals that live in the informal settlements of the Bloubosrand area.


Our major project was the closure of the Kya Sand Landfill Site and the establishment of a Golf Training Academy on the closed site. We are fighting for proper Service Delivery on all fronts, and have joined hands with the Informal Settlements


We therefore aim to foster relationships with the inhabitants of the informal settlements. We collect and distribute clothing and other useful items to these inhabitants, using them as incentives to reward the proper care and treatment of their animals. We rely solely on the donations and generosity of the public in order to help further her cause.


We also provide counselling and support to these communities, giving them hope for the future and a helping hand in their daily lives.


In this way, the Bloubosrand Animal Welfare Group is slowly beginning to gain ground in these communities and generate awareness in the public.


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